Lost In Fitness
First things first, this is a real review, I have no idea Cal Dietz or Ben Peterson, I’m not an affiliate, I do not get hardly any money from anyone if you decide to buy this reserve. Secondly, this is not a review of the triphasic system therefore, but of the e-book. This implies I wont be offering almost all their intellectual property free of charge.
39.95 to get it, so you can too! One of the writers, Ben Peterson, has written a 4 part series explaining triphasic training here, here, here and here. So that would be your first port of call to find out more without laying out cold hard cash. 39.95 (whatever that is in pounds at the moment), and for that you will get a 387 page ebook. That is a complete great deal of book for your cash, unlike some ebooks there aren’t webpages and pages that are empty, filled with filler or adverts. It is obviously laid out, with good size graphs, tables and photos. The book also offers literally hundreds of hyperlinks to exercise videos and additional video lectures on youtube.
This is the one big benefit of ebooks over traditional books in the fitness market, the written text can link direct to a video of the exercise being discussed. I clicked on pretty much all the links, and only one or two didn’t work. I simply read that this reserve is now available in print form, I’m uncertain how all these links will look in a imprinted book.
However, I like print out books for flicking back again & forth and marking webpages easily, scrolling back and forth in an ebook is just not the same. Whoever designed the layout for this written book, and spent hours putting all those links in should be commended. This appears like a high quality product.
Hang on – what’s triphasic training? Triphasic refers to the three phases of a powerful motion, the eccentric stage, the isometric phase and the concentric phase. Dietz & Peterson contend that the athlete who are able to do these three phases of the movement the fastest, will be the better sportsman.
Two athletes may be able to lift the same weight, but the one who can it faster and transforms the eccentric stage into the concentric stage the quickest would be the most powerful and reactive. So that as we all know, all plain things being equal, the most effective athlete wins generally. The authors clearly state in the beginning of the book that this isn’t the only path to teach athletes, also they don’t dismiss the role of genetics.
- Avocado to help protect the liver organ
- For no obvious reason, you’ve lost several or even more pounds
- Commute or accessibility to the fitness center
- Feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting)
- Letsfit Fitness Tracker
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Five colors and 3 Sizes
The book begins with the almost obligatory section on stress, Hans adaption and Selye, which it seems almost all books on strength training have to mention. After covering the basic principles it moves onto clarify periodisation. The impact of East European sports technology is writ large over this tome, with recommendations to Verkhoshansky, Issurin etc dispersed throughout the written text. The authors toenail their colours to the mast early on.
There is an explanation of why the Bulgarians were better than the Soviets at weightlifting in the first 1970s, and the way the Soviets copied the Bulgarians to complement them later. The ‘Bulgarian’ method is certainly in fashion at the moment, this text unlike some authors and ‘gurus’ out there actually teaches you the actual Bulgarians did in the past in conditions of volume and training session frequency.
I found this interesting, as I haven’t seen it described this prior to. Dietz and Peterson then go on to describe why they favour undulating and block periodisation, and just why they believe that it is more advanced than the blended method (complex parallel training) and classic linear periodisation. Most strength programs these full days seem to employ the mixed method, an explosive exercise normally, a strength exercise and a hypertrophy exercise all in a single workout.