No-Code Development Of Business Applications

No-Code Development Of Business Applications

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If it hadn’t been for Carol Reece’s ability to tuck her away into employment in the Federal Trade Commission, I have no idea what would have happened to Katherine. Ultimately, she lost her mind as a total result of it. It was a terrible shock. It’s a very rough experience to encounter proof of these kinds. ED GRIFFIN: Mr. Dodd can you summarize the opposition to the Committee, the Reece Committee and particularly the efforts to sabotaging the Committee?

ED GRIFFIN: Wasn’t the White House involved in opposition? NORMAN DODD: Not as of this particular point, sir. Mr. Reece ordered counsel and myself to visit Wayne Hayes. Wayne Hayes was the rank minority person in the Committee as a Democrat, so we came to him, and I had formed to decrease to Mr. Hayes’s office, that i did.

Mr. Hayes greeted us with the flat statement directed to me primarily, which was that “I am against this investigation. Subsequently Mr. Hayes delivered word if you ask me that he was in Bethesda Hospital with an strike of ulcers, but would I come and see him, that i do. Well, that was our relationship for about three months, and then, eventually, I put occasion to increase my staff a top-flight cleverness official. ED GRIFFIN: Was their objection because of what you were doing or mainly because that you were carrying it out outside of the official auspices of the Committee?

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NORMAN DODD: No, their objection was, as it is put by them, my devotion from what they called anti-semitism. That was a cooked up idea. In other words, it wasn’t true at all, but anyway, that’s the way they expressed it. ED GRIFFIN: Why do they do that? How could they state that? What do you say to him? ” He said,” I simply informed out him to get the hell.” He did that three times, and I acquired proud of him in the sense that he was pretty, as it were, backing me up. We finally embarked upon the hearing at Hayes’s demand, because he wished to get them from the real way before he went abroad for the summertime.

ED GRIFFIN: Why were the hearings finally terminated? What happened to the Committee? NORMAN DODD: What occurred to the Committee or the hearings? ED GRIFFIN: The hearings. NORMAN DODD: Oh, the hearings were terminated. Carol Reece was up against such a furor with Hayes through the activity of our own counsel. Hayes became persuaded that he was being double-crossed and he placed on a show in a general public hearing room, Mr. Griffin, that was a complete disgrace. He called Carol Reece every name in the publication publicly, and Mr. Reece required this as proof that he couldn’t continue the hearings.

ED GRIFFIN: The charge of anti-semitism is interesting. What was the basis of this charge? Was there a basis for it at all? ED GRIFFIN: Who was see your face? NORMAN DODD: A Colonel Lee Lelane. ED GRIFFIN: And that which was his publication? NORMAN DODD: The book they referred to was called Waters Flowing Eastward,which was a castigation of the Jewish influence in the global world.

ED GRIFFIN: What were some of the other charges created by Mr. Hayes against Mr. Reece? NORMAN DODD: That Mr. Reece was utilizing this analysis for his own prominence inside of Representatives. That was the only charge that Hayes could think of. ED GRIFFIN: How can you describe the motivation of the individuals who created the foundations, the best foundations, in the beginning? That which was their motivation?