Want TO BECOME Better Writer?

Want TO BECOME Better Writer?

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As I described in my last post, I’m still mainly M.I.A., but I’ve lined up some terrific visitor posts that will appear over another few weeks. Today’s visitor post originates from author and writing instructor Barbara Baig, who discloses the way the path to effective writing may be sometimes, paradoxically, to place your writing to keep for some time.

Want to become a Better Writer? These days, aspiring writers are informed that constantly, to draw in the attention of editors and providers, they must create a system and learn to promote themselves. But just about every article or post-offering such advice also contains this reminder: First, you must write a great book.

But just how do writers accomplish that excellence? Not by following another piece of writing advice Certainly, very prevalent nowadays: Just keep writing, you’ll get better. Can a hitting is imagined by you coach saying to a youngster who wants to be considered a professional baseball player, Just keep swinging the bat, you’ll get better?

Aspiring authors can’t walk a path to excellence by frequently doing what they know how to do; like aspiring major-leaguers, if they would like to become professionals, they have to learn and develop professional-level skills. This isn’t easy: there are a huge number of skills to learn. For example, can you reliably produce and develop materials and ideas for bits of writing?

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Do you have a writing process that works for you? Do you know how to determine and maintain an all natural relationship with visitors? These are a few of what I call “content skills,” the ones authors must have to create material for stories or poems or nonfiction pieces. Then there are the “craft skills” we should also have. Everyone understands about the importance of mastering genre-being able to shape a secret or a love or a memoir.

But what about the “small craft” –the art of choosing words and organizing them into powerful phrases that take hold of a reader’s mind and won’t let go? When you’re working on a draft or a revision, will your mind to provide you with the indicated words, the sentence buildings, you need to accomplish this? And, if not, why not?

The default answer to this last question is “talent”: Some individuals have it; others, less lucky, do not. But the default answer, sadly, is not true. Researchers in the technological field of experience studies have for a long time been learning experts in a variety of fields to answer the question, “What makes certain people excellent at what they do?

” They’ve discovered that innate skill has very little, if anything, regarding expertise. This process requires (among other things) wearing down a complicated skill–like writing–into its component sub-skills, then practicing each skill individually until it’s perfected, placing all of them together then. This is the approach professional athletes and musicians have been using for decades; they spend much more time exercising and training their skills than they are doing in performance. Writers can–and, I really believe, should–do the same thing.

Oh, sure, you can struggle through the writing of five books, learning things about the build each right time, and make the sixth one work finally; lots of successful writers took that path. Nevertheless, you can also learn your skills much more effectively: by determining the ones you will need to learn, and exercising them. This is true in the world of craft especially.