What’s Good For Bill Gates ACTUALLY IS Bad For Public Schools
Schools have a lot to study from business about how to boost performance, declared Bill Gates in an Op Ed in the Wall Street Journal in 2011. He directed to his own company as a worthwhile model for public institutions. “At Microsoft, we thought in giving our employees the best chance to succeed, and we insisted on success then. Adopting the Microsoft model means public schools grading teachers, rewarding the best and being “candid”, that is, firing those who find themselves deemed ineffective. The Microsoft model, called “stacked ranking” compelled every work unit to declare a certain percentage of employees as top performers, another percentage nearly as good performers, then average, then below average, poor then.
Using hundreds of millions of dollars in philanthropic largesse Bill Gates persuaded condition and federal government policymakers that that which was best for Microsoft would be best for public universities (to be sure, he was pressing against an open door). To qualify for large grants or loans from President Obama’s Race to the very best program, for example, states had to adopt Gates’ Darwinian method of improving open public education.
Today more than 36 expresses have altered their teacher evaluations systems with the purpose of weeding out the most severe and rewarding the best. Some area’s quality on the curve. Others do not. But all embrace the concept that carrying on work for educators shall depend on improvement in student test scores, and teachers who are graded “ineffective” two or three years in a row face termination.
Needless to say, the whole procedure for what has come to be called “high stakes testing” of both students and educators has proven devastatingly dispiriting. This month Microsoft left behind the hated system. Ms. Brummel showed four important elements in the company’s new policy. •More focus on collaboration and teamwork. •More emphasis on employee growth and development.
•No more uses of the Bell curve for evaluating employees. •No more rankings of employees. Sue Altman at EduShyster vividly sums up the frustration of a country of educators at this new development. “So I want to get this straight. The big-business approach to evaluation that now rules our schools is no more the best business approach to evaluation? And collaboration and teamwork, which have been discontinued by our schools in favor of the best business method of evaluation, is in? Big business can turn on the dime when the CEO purchases it to take action. But changing policies embraced and internalized by many thousands and states of public school districts will need far, far longer.
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However, you can not deduct dues to organizations whose main purpose is to provide entertainment facilities for its members. Quite simply, you can’t deduct country golf club dues, athletic club dues, luncheon golf club dues, airline golf club dues, or hotel membership dues. Technically, you can have a business luncheon meeting at a golf country club and deduct that business food at 50%, nevertheless, you cannot write-off dues to the united states golf club. In the event that you pay rent and utilities for the property and/or building in which you operate your trade or business, those are deductible expenses.
If someone happens to possess the building where your business is situated, your business can even pay rent for you. Although that rental expense will be tax-deductible to your business, you would need to pay personal income taxes on the rental income you earn. If you purchase a property through your business, you can’t deduct your primary payments, but you can deduct your home loan interest payments.
Personally, I don’t suggest my business-owner clients purchase property through their business. Sure, buying real estate can be considered a great investment, but I usually inform clients to buy it through their personal resources rather than through their business. Property fees are also required if your business owns property like a building or land. To determine the amount of tax you will owe, an area property assessor will place a value on your real estate and calculate your tax based on that valuation.
Any taxes payment you make based on the neighborhood assessor’s valuation of your premises is tax-deductible for you. Whether you possess your business’s building or not, you own tangible property – property that can be moved and handled. Tangible personal property includes things such as furniture, fixtures, equipment, machinery, computers, laptops, mobile phones, phone systems, and so on that can be physically removed from your building but are necessary that you should operate your business.
You must survey the expense of your personal property to your local government, and the local federal government will place a valuation on that property then. 25,000, you must file a tangible personal property tax return and pay the required tax obligations. I’ll discuss the taxes deductions you can take by purchasing tangible property later in this list, but also for now, I want you to know that you can deduct property fees you pay on your business’s tangible personal property.